Earlier this year, we saw the release of the Marathi film Aapla Manus that marked actor-producer Ajay Devgn’s foray into regional cinema. A little later it was reported that Ashutosh Gowariker had acquired the Hindi remake rights of the film and would be producing the film under his banner and that it would be once again directed by Satish Rajwade. Now we hear that Gowariker has roped in none other than Sonakshi Sinha to essay a role in the film.
Commenting on the same, a source close to the project says, “Yes Ashutosh Gowariker will be producing a Hindi remake of Aapla Manus and Sonakshi Sinha has been approached for the same. In fact just last week Gowariker held a special screening of the film for Sonakshi after the actress heard the script and approved the same as well.”
As for the film itself, Aapla Manus which was based on popular play called ‘Katkon Trikon’ released in February this year and was a major hit with the critics and at the box-office as well.
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